Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Learning Mandarin is very interesting 学习华文很有趣 (for beginner- Part 2)

3. Learn Basic Vocabulary

It doesn't matter what language you are learning, the basic is to learn the vocabularies. More words that you had learned, you will become fluent especially in speaking. But first of all, you need to write it down in your note or your book the vocabularies in English and you can start to translate it in Mandarin. 

  • These are some vocabulary list to start off : times of a day (morning : zǎo shàng, afternoon : xià wǔ, evening : wǎn shàng). Body parts (eyes, nose, mouth, hand, leg, etc). Animals (fish yǔ, cat māo, bird niǎo, etc). You also can start with things that is around you (chair, table, lamp, etc). 
  • But still remember, the intonation have to be accurate in order to get the right meaning.
4. Learn Basic Conversation

After you learn about basic vocabulary, the next step is to combine those vocabulary into sentence / question. 
  • Hello = nǐhǎo
  • Thank You = xiè xiè
  • I am not afraid = wǒ bù pà
  • I love you = wǒ ài 
You can also learn new vocabularies by listening to Mandarin song, read Mandarin books, and watch Mandarin movies. There are many ways to learn Mandarin if you're willing to learn. All of these tips above is just the simple basic about how to learn Mandarin. 

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